
A parental guide to Warhammer Online

John Davison is a veteran of writing about 'the games'. He's a much-respected games journalist, and until a time not too long in the past he was a fixture at Ziff Davis/1up. Now he's putting his efforts in a somehow more noble direction: informing parents about videogame content by heading up the site What They Play. What They Play is a site where gamers talk to gamers and non-gamers alike about the actual content in videogames. Touching on everything from Carnival Games to Grand Theft Auto IV, it allows folks playing the ultimate mini-game (child-rearing) to make informed gameplay decisions.

It should come as no surprise that this year's MMO darling Warhammer Online got a bit of attention from the site's writers. Indeed, they have up a lengthy guide on the title, walking parents through the game. Starting with the basics like 'what is it?', the guide walks interested parties through account registration, character creation, and deals with the realities of online realtime MMO communication. It's a great resource from a generally great site, and well worth passing on to anyone that might be considering letting their kid pick up the game. Check it out.