
Joystiq's Big Off-Topic Election Day Post

Well, here we are: Election Day. Think of it: In just a day's time we'll be able to turn on the news and be inundated not with the latest political happenings but with the status of Madonna's marriage and Lindsay Lohan's crotch. But, in the meantime, we're taking the opportunity to mark this last electoral hurrah.

So, if you want to celebrate your candidate, try to sway the rest of the Joystiq Biomass to your leanings or just discuss the day's happenings, this (and not all the rest of today's posts) is the place to do it. Just try to stay civil and you can talk about whatever you want without fear of banhammering.

Oh, and don't forget to vote ... unless, of course, you hate freedom.*

*Or you don't live in the U.S.**
**Or you're under 18.***
***Or you're busy. Not like regular busy either. Like
super busy.