
Free Realms site relaunches with beta registration, videos, and more!

Massively has been following the Free Realms project over at Sony Online Entertainment for some time now. Not quite as targeted as The Agency or action-oriented as DCUO, Free Realms nonetheless represents the third axis of a whole new base for the company. In its way Free Realms is actually more important than either of those two titles, throwing together a AAA-quality teen-aimed fantasy MMO experience together with free-to-play and microtransactional economics. An ambitious and unique undertaking, to be sure, from a fairly traditional company. It's great, then, to see real public progress on the game over at the official Free Realms website.

They've updated with a ton of new content, including videos, screenshots, and writeups about what they hope to accomplish with the game. Even more exciting is a page which will allow prospective players the chance to sign up to participate in the game's Beta. Word from SOE is that the game will have a lengthy Beta experience, eventually leading to a 'service-style' launch rather than one you'd expect from a boxed game.

If you're not familiar with Free Realms, we have you covered. Read into our A to Z guide on the game, take a peak at plans for eventual sequels (already!), and figure out how social networking will fit into all of this! Go check it out.