
Star Wars Galaxies producer letter previews Hoth, Christmas events

The latest Producer's Letter from the head of Star Wars Galaxies development is in! Chris 'Dotanuki' Fields offers up some encouraging words about the team's plans for Hoth, which is now on the Test Center server. The Imperial side arrived first for intensive testing, and the Rebel portion of the instance should now be online for debugging as well. There's still no ETA on the new content going live, but testing on TC means it won't be long now before Hoth goes live. Fields compliments players on the fun seen during the Halloween live event, and notes we may see it as a template for future events in-game. Fields also takes a moment to reiterate statements we heard from SOE CEO John Smedley: Sony Online has no intention of shutting down Star Wars Galaxies any time soon. Star Wars: The Old Republic is still some time off, and they have content planned out for SWG well through 2009.

Other future plans for Galaxies include a new 'promo drop' weekend for TCG cards. That'll be going on this weekend, and the drop rate for the cards has been increased to allow more players to participate! Fields' last note for the month is on Life Day, coming to the Galaxy Far, Far Away next month. Giant tress, gift-giving, a new speeder, and some wackiness inspired by the Star Wars Holiday Special will all be in the offing. Look for the giant wroshyr trees in Dearic (Talus), Doaba Goerfel (Corellia), and Wayfar (Tatooine). Good time to be a Galaxies player, for sure.