
One Shots: Well-balanced beef

Sometimes you find something strange in your favorite online world that makes you stop and say "what?!" Today's One Shots balancing act shows just a such strange situation from Lord of the Rings Online. If you look very closely, you see Tzel standing on a fence - not too terribly strange, really. But then, what's that to the right? Apparently a nearby cow thought that being atop a fence was a lovely place to spend some time hanging out as well - and a wee calf joined in the fun! As Laira, Hunter, Protector of the Shire who sent this screenshot in notes: Passing through the ranger camp of Esteldin in the North Downs this evening with my friend Tzel when we were surprised to stumble upon these animals balancing on the fences of their enclosure. Do you think we should alert their owner?

Have you found something strange in your favorite online world? Perhaps you're a Lord of the Rings Online player who would like to show us what you're doing just before Mines of Moria launches? We love to see adventurers in their daily lives just as much as we love to see the silly and strange. Just send those to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name and a quick description. Your screenshots could be the next ones shown here!