
HTC Touch Pro graces Bell, gets non-outrageous price

We seriously have no idea how Bell managed to beat Telus out of the gate with this one, but they did -- so, you know, more power to 'em. The HTC Touch Pro has now landed on Bell's airwaves, putting the mighty WinMo set on the path to becoming one of the most widely-launched smartphones in North America in recent history; on that note, Verizon is probably feeling a little sheepish right about now, but with any luck, they'll be fixing that up in short order. Meanwhile, Bell subs can go ahead and hook up a Touch Pro for just $239.95 CAD (about $195) on a three-year contract, so if you can see yourself punching away on the same QWERTY board for thirty six months, get to it.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]