
Sunday Morning Funnies: Your mom is hardcore

Experience Points by Scott Johnson

This is the first Sunday in December, and I have a nice long list of comics for your perusal.

Perhaps you could enjoy a seasonal chocolate beverage while you read, although I should caution you that your keyboard can't take many more episodes of you spitting out your drinks in laughter.

  1. Piggyback from Dark Legacy Comics shows us that vehicles have rights.

  2. Experience Points does the Wrath Gate event.

  3. Check out the latest from Flintlocke vs. the Horde.

  4. Wish Shakes and Fidget a hearty Welcome to Northrend.

  5. GU Comics wants to remind you to Honor they Father too.

  6. LFG is witnessing some changes.

  7. Manic Graffiti presents Noobcow and the Days of Jaina's Lives.

  8. Monkey Punchers shows us that not everyone wants Candle. In fact, some people No Want Candle.

  9. NoObz suggests that not all AFK'ers are actually away from the keyboard. Some may even be hard at work, in a way.

  10. Kissybear samples Death Knighthood.

  11. Kissybear starts to feel lonely.

  12. The Outland adventures of your favorite Teh Gladiators characters comes to a conclusion with Epilogue. What could they possibly get up to in Northrend?

  13. On The Scout Report, persuasiveness and persistence start to pay off.