
Shipping this week: Black hole edition

The holiday gaming season, for the 360 at least, is over. After the accumulation of so many good games over the last several months, it seems the accumulation of worthwhile titles has become so massive that it's collapsed into itself, forming a black hole of new releases. What we're getting at, you see, is that there are no new releases this week. Not one. Not even a game based off of a holiday kids' movie. Nothing. Nada. We suggest you take this week to organize yourself. If you're anything like us, you still have a pile of games to finish, so get to it. And remember, there's nothing better to bring a family together during the holidays than a good video game. Also, strangely enough, there's nothing better to help you avoid family during the holidays than a good video game.

It's good either way, really.

[Via Joystiq]