
Whoops! No Red Bull Air Race this year

You may have noticed that the Home launch hasn't exactly gone smoothly. With the Home teams worldwide working on fixes for the numerous server and login issues the content release schedule has been pushed back, as people are now taking their Christmas breaks. What this boils down to is this: Don't expect to see the Red Bull Air Race this year.

TedTheDog has stated on the European PlayStation forums that it definitely won't appear in 2008. Though "it really ought to be worth the wait, its really quite impressive and a lot of fun." We've played it and, while it's kind of neat, it's not quite as awesome as it's maybe getting hyped up to be. Still, content is content, and even TedTheDog admits that Home is currently "a little bare."

He goes on to say that "we've got some problems to solve, but they'll be solved and we can then move on to running it as the service we all want." In other words, please remain patient for just a little longer. Well, we've waited this long, what's a few more weeks?