
One Shots: The bane of the Big Apple

In one of the shockers of the year, we've seen Tabula Rasa head towards shutdown just one year after initial release. What's really disappointing is that so many people we've heard from have said that Tabula Rasa has come leaps and bounds from original release. Several think the game is very enjoyable now that they've added in the new content. Whether or not people coming back and playing TR now may be enough to make NCsoft reconsider their decision or not remains to be seen. Nonetheless, today we've got a screenshot sent in to us by Kaczmanchoy, who has also been enjoying the new content. Kaczmanchoy writes: This is from Tabula Rasa's latest high-level epic instance "The Empire Sector". This is the view that greets you when you first come out of the subway tunnels after taking the wormhole back to Earth. Not only is NYC in ruins (although the Empire State Building still stands in the background), but the Bane have already begun terraforming it to their liking.

Are you still playing Tabula Rasa or Hellgate London? If so, we'd love to have some screenshots from you to preserve your games for future generations. Just send those screens to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and whatever you'd like to say about it. We'll post it out here, and give you the credit for snapping the image.