
Modder finally illuminates the Game Boy Pocket

We owe a huge debt of gratitude to modder Michael "Bibin" Moffitt -- for years now, our eyes have undergone irreversible damage due to being frequently strained in order to play our Game Boy Pockets in ill-lighted environments. Using only an LED, some perspex and a diffusive layer, Bibin managed to add a backlight to his beloved Pocket, leading to illuminated rounds of Dr. Mario with little effect on the system's battery life. Good going, Bibin!

(Okay, seriously, nobody tell this guy about the Game Boy Light or GBA SP. It sounds like he worked really hard on this, and we don't want to ... ) Oh, hey, Bibin! You're still here! Sure, we'd love to play some Mario's Picross! What's that? Your mom made Rice Krispie Treats? Awesome.