
IPEVO's Kaleido R7 wireless digital photo frame

Yeah, we know, we're kinda tired of the whole digital photo frame thing too. Usually their styling is a little too classical, too modern, or just too cheap. So, while perusing the halls at the Digital Experience on the eve of CES, we were happy to see something with a fresh, clean design that also offers plenty of functionality: IPEVO's upcoming Kaleido R7. It's a 7-inch, 800 x 480 TFT LCD with 512MB of memory, plus an SD card slot if you're into physically moving your pictures around. The idea, though, is to connect wirelessly, and the frame seems able to sync with any tool you like, whether it's Flickr, Picasa, iPhoto, or just a vanilla RSS feed on a PC or Mac. You can even send pics straight from your iPhone. The frame also can be rotated vertically or horizontally and sports a simple array of controls for navigation. It's a little bulky, and a little funky, but we like it, and though its $199 asking price is a bit steep if you have tons of photos in tons of places and are looking for a solid way to get them all displayed, this could be a good option when it drops in March.