
Get your SWTOR concept art with a side order of forum avatars

We hope you're hungry for more Star Wars: The Old Republic artwork, because a fresh batch of concept art has been served up on the game's official site, ready for fans to consume. A handful of different alien species were evidently doing some posing in the Bioware offices, which has left us with portraits of some familiar faces, like the Nautolans pictured here. Don't go making fun of the Kitonaks now, ya hear? As an added bonus, this update also unveiled ten new forum avatars to tweak your appearance on the TOR blog.

Whether or not any of the six species in the spotlight will be playable is still up in the air, but you can be sure that the game's followers are already casting their votes (both for and against) them. We've absorbed the latest concept art into our ongoing gallery, and you'll find plenty more to look at there apart from just the new stuff.
