
Natsume has (Fish) Eyes for the Wii

Remember Fish Eyes? If not, you may be more familiar with its western name, Reel Fishing. The series has been staying very still and quiet in a tiny boat since 1996, popping out a new game every few years. It is the very antithesis of something like the mad, hyperactive Fishing Master: World Tour. This is serious fishing business.

So far, the games have been met with a shaky critical reception, but that hasn't prevented Natsume and Marvelous from thinking Fish Eyes Wii might a good idea. Maybe it is, and the waggle factor will help reinvigorate the franchise! If the screens from the official site are anything to go by, Fish Eyes Wii appears to mimic previous titles in the series by using animated CG backgrounds. That doesn't guarantee a good game, of course, but it sure makes for a very purdy view.

[Via NeoGAF]