
Aventurine speaks on Darkfall's "trial," forums, and pre-release patches

Darkfall's developer, Aventurine, has released a press statement that answers some of the questions swirling around the upcoming MMO. This update has given us some insight into what's going on with their forums, the status of the stress testing during their "trial" period, and what's changing and being added to Darkfall before their launch next February.

The Darkfall forums have been under various Denial of Service (DoS) attacks which cripple their bandwidth, forcing Aventurine to take down the forums and re-work them to be stronger and more durable. As for the "trial," Adventurine has found issues with the patcher and login servers and is working to correct the sluggish download speeds.

However, much of the release has covered the updates to the game, such as the addition the core attributes, a reskinning of the interface, more monsters, and the ambience/weather system is now enabled.

With the NDA still in place, very little information has been released on Darkfall and the overall status of the game. It seems that with this release the NDA will continue to stay in place for a bit longer. For the full press release, check it out over at the Darkfall forums.
