
Suit: Sensory Sweep owes employees over $2 million

While other companies have laid off employees, Sensory Sweep Studios opted to do the right thing, to make the brave choice and not fire their beloved staff. But, according to the US Department of Labor, the employees have had to make some sacrifices too. Namely, their paychecks.

Shockingly, the unpaid workers, rather than being happy just to have a job, are complaining about the $2 million they're reportedly owed. The nerve! The government has now filed an injunction to keep titles associated with the unpaid labor from being released, including:

  • My English Coach (Ubisoft, for Nintendo)

  • Gluco Boy II (Bayer Medical Group, for Nintendo)

  • TNA Impact/Wrestling (Midway, for Nintendo DS)

  • Drama Queens (Paramount, for Unknown)

  • Tale of Desperaux (Atari, formerly Brash, for PS2 and Wii)

  • The Bigs (2K for Nintendo)

  • Scentient (an in-house game for 360)

So, not only are these workers ungrateful for their employment, they're keeping us from the sequel to Glucoboy: The Game That Stabs You Until You Bleed. Shameful.