
Mark Papermaster to serve as Apple's Senior Vice President of Devices Hardware Engineering

Earlier today, Apple announced that Mark Papermaster will become their Senior Vice President of Devices Hardware Engineering on April 24th. As such, he'll hold the reigns of the iPod and iPhone engineering departments.

As you may remember, Papermaster was recently involved in a lawsuit when IBM stated that his accepting the position would be a violation of their own noncompetitive agreement, citing fears that he'd divulge IBM trade secrets once inside 1 Infinite Loop. The case was finally settled, and while Apple has declined to comment on the details, IBM told CNET:

"IBM and Mr. Papermaster have now agreed on a resolution of the lawsuit under which Mr. Papermaster may not begin employment with Apple until April 24, 2009, six months after leaving IBM, and will remain subject thereafter to all of his contractual and other legal duties to IBM, including the obligation not to use or disclose IBM's confidential information."

Apple started courting Papermaster in 2008, and he finally made the jump to "...the opportunity of a lifetime." Good luck, Mark!

[Via Daring Fireball]