
One Shots: The truth is out there

People just love those pop-culture references in World of Warcraft! We've seen a bunch of them come in since we opened, but this is probably one of my favorites from Wrath. The above NPC is Agent Skully (obvious reference to the X-Files) sent in to us by Johanis. He added the following tale about that day: As Johanis ran through the New HearthGlen fortress in Dragonblight he found himself face to face with a 75 Elite Onslaught Caretaker by the name of Agent Skully. No Agent Mulder in sight but still on the search for him. I especially liked that she appeared to resemble the other Agent Scully rather remarkably (except the shovel of course)! Of course, Johanis - being Alliance - likely wouldn't know that Skully is actually a member of the Horde in disguise!

We know WoW isn't the only game with these types of references in it, so if you've found one in your favorite game, why not send it in? Our email is oneshots AT massively DOT com, and all you have to add is your name, the game, and what the reference is in case our pop-culture-fu isn't as mighty as yours. We'll post it out here and give you the credit for bringing it to One Shots!