
Flying Lab Software cannonading for new casual MMO

It looks like after many long years of developing Pirates of the Burning Sea, Flying Lab Software is ready for something a little more laid back. Which is why the Seattle-based developer's next project will be a family friendly casual MMO through a partnership with trading card company Upper Deck. They're even opening a new branch entitled Flying Lab Casual to work on the project. Right now we really don't know anything beyond that, but more detailed information about the title is expected in the coming weeks.

We say more power to FLS/FLC for mixing it up and keeping things fresh. Nothing is worse than a developer whose lost some of that sparkle in their eyes. Then again, we're sure that the booming casual market has at least a little to do with the choice as well.

That being said, current Pirates of the Burning Sea players have nothing to fear as new content will continue to flow freely as rum on a salty sea dog's ship.