
Amazon launches casual game download service is jumping into the digitally distributed games market with its straightforwardly titled, um, "Amazon Game Downloads." The service begins its beta today and offers 500 casual titles for under $10 each. During the initial launch week, full versions of Jewel Quest 2, Build-a-lot and The Scruffs will be available to download for free.

We spoke with Greg Hart, vice president of video games and software at Amazon, who explained that the digital distribution service evolved from the company's acquisition of Reflexive late last year. He stated that the service does require downloading a client (think Steam), but that the 3MB application isn't invasive. When asked if we'll be seeing bigger (less casual) games available, he expressed that the company would have to see how things go during the beta first.

If you decide to give the service a try, be sure to let us know how well it fares. Us? Well, we'll give it a shot as soon as we finish looking at these CDs, books, DVDs and infrared toaster ovens. Gosh, there's a lot of stuff on this website, you know.