
New European transfers

In their continuing efforts to bring some faction balance to Magtheridon (EU), Blizzard has refreshed free character transfers off of the server for Horde, and onto the server for Alliance. These transfers are scheduled to run from today until Feburary 10:

  • Magtheridon -> Haomarush, Tarren Mill, Trollbane, Zenedar, Silvermoon (Horde only)

  • Aerie Peak, Aggramar, Alonsus, Arathor, Azjol-Nerub, Bronze Dragonflight, Bronzebeard, Eonar, Hellscream, Khadgar, Lightbringer, Kilrogg, Kul Tiras, Silvermoon, Terenas, Turalyon -> Magtheridon (Alliance only)

In addition, the following transfers are now open for European players of either faction:

  • Al'Akir, Stormscale -> Vek'nilash, Xavius

  • Burning Legion, Grim Batol -> Boulderfist, Trollbane

  • Crushridge, Sylvanas -> Chromaggus, Haomarush

  • Kazzak, Ravencrest -> Laughing Skull, Sunstrider

  • Outland, Twilight's Hammer -> Daggerspine, Lightning's Blade

  • Ragnaros, Shattered Hand -> Kor'gall, Shattered Halls

  • Argent Dawn -> Steamwheedle Cartel, The Sha'tar

These also are scheduled to run until the 10th of this month, and like all other transfers may close early if the desired population levels are reached.

Magtheridon players, have you noticed an improvement in the faction balance since they started pumping Alliance in and Horde out? WarcraftRealms is now showing a 1:16 population ratio overall on that server, which is much better than the 1:67 ratio it was showing when the transfers started (but still pretty bad).