
Atlus announces Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor and some random minigame collection

Atlus is addicted to Nintendo DS game announcements. It's basically up to one a day at this point! The latest set to be revealed by the niche publisher includes one game that we knew was coming, and 101 that completely blindsided us.

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
is a strategy RPG in which players control a team of teenagers who collect and fuse demons and battle on a hexagonal grid. This was one of the game announcements revealed early via It's out June 23 for $30.

101 in 1 Explosive Megamix
is a minigame collection from European publisher Nordcurrent. It comprises various sports, puzzle, and action minigames, and it doesn't really look like much. It's an extremely bizarre game for Atlus to pick up. Maybe it knows something we don't, and the game is actually awesome. We'll find out when it comes out April 21, at a price of $20.