
DICE 2009: Jay Mohr pokes fun at devs at AIAA awards

We've seen the unforgettably disastrous consequences that result when comedians attempt to make jokes at the expense of members of the gaming industry (smelly virgins! LOLOLOL!), but from what we've heard, Jay Mohr's introduction to the 12th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards show actually possessed some elements of humor. Instead of harping on gamer stereotypes, Mohr's act was refreshingly researched -- take, for instance, his jab at Richard Garriott: "That guy used thirty million to launch himself into space. Maybe he should have used that to launch Tabula Rasa."

While some of his jabs fell flat, Mohr ended up hitting more than he missed. He compared the 100-plus hours he's sunk into Fallout 3 to the amount of time it takes to acquire a pilot's license, saying, "Guys are landing planes on the Hudson. I'm decorating a shack in Megaton." He turned his sights to the D.I.Y. nature of LittleBigPlanet, too, saying, "It's like buying a CD, plugging it in, and then having to go buy all the instruments." Best of all, he refused to pick on Grand Theft Auto IV, quipping, "If you want to watch an awards show about thugs beating up ho's, watch the Grammys." Awww ... (wait for it) ...