
Earthrise interview sheds light on title's sandbox gameplay

Fans of 'sandbox' massively multiplayer online titles where gamers can largely play how they choose to might be interested in Earthrise, a post-apocalyptic MMO in development at Masthead Studios. Although there's no solid estimate on the game's release date, Masthead Studios is getting the word out about Earthrise in preparation for beta testing. The most recent interview they've done can be found over at GameSNAFU.

Michael G. Koshgarian from GameSNAFU interviewed Masthead Studios CEO Atanas Atanasov, who dished out some info on the storyline quests for the warring Continoma and Noir factions. Of particular interest is the fact that players will be able to shift their allegiances and defect to a rival faction, but at the risk of being branded a traitor.

Given that Earthrise is PvP-centric, Atanasov explained the possibilities that guild membership will open up for Earthrise players, namely Territory Conquest and Guild vs. Guild (GvG, as Atanasov refers to it) gameplay. Guilds will struggle over finite resources in the game through siege-warfare, which could add a real dimension of struggle to the sandbox title.

Also worthy of note is the interplay of death penalties and the insurance players can purchase which will reduce or eliminate those risks, particularly when engaging in PvP where the stakes are high. (Full looting of killed players is a key aspect of Earthrise.) See the GameSNAFU interview with Atanas Atanasov for more info about the type of game Earthrise will be.