
Checking in with Age of Conan's Advocate program

It looks like the quest is over, and most of the spots for community Advocates for Age of Conan are well on the way to being filled. Funcom opened up spots for representatives from each player class: Assassin, Barbarian, Bear Shaman, Conqueror, Dark Templar, Demonologist, Guardian, Herald of Xotli, Necromancer, Priest of Mitra, Ranger, and Tempest of Set, who will advise Funcom on what the community feels are the important problems and needs of each class, as well as serving as a liason between Funcom and the Age of Conan community. All the advocates are required to have a character of that class at least level 60, an account in good standing, and own a pair of asbestos underwear to better survive the inevitable flamewars over class balance issues.

To add to this, Funcom will also be looking at adding some additional advocates suggested by the community during the course of the advocate discussions. Some of the ones they've mentioned are an advocate for role-playing, crafting, player-versus-player, and player-versus-environment issues. How precisely this changes Age of Conan's development, if it does at all, remains to be seen.