
Mountain Dew forms an Alliance with World of WarCraft

Do you miss Mountain Dew Game Fuel? Or are you a WoW player jealous of the attention Pepsico lavished upon Halo players? Perhaps you plan to be really thirsty at some unspecified point in the near future.

If any of these conditions describe you, you'll be very happy about this news! This summer, Mountain Dew (which we refuse to call "MTN DEW") is launching two limited-edition World of WarCraft Game Fuel beverages: "Wild Fruit" flavored Alliance Blue, and "Citrus Cherry" flavored Horde Red, which, WoW Insider notes, is the original Halo 3 Game Fuel! The exact release date has yet to be revealed -- we'll have to distract ourselves with regular Mountain Dew, and the thrilling, extreme-sports-filled lifestyle that comes naturally to Dew drinkers, until then.

[Via WoW Insider]