
One Shots: There's a naked person in my house

I admit, I couldn't resist holding on to this One Shots for posting with today's launch of Runes of Magic. That said, this is undoubtedly one of the funnier stories we've heard from a player to date, and this time we're even kind of involved in it. Curious? Here's the story to go with today's One Shots, courtesy of Saylah, who runs the Mystic Worlds blog. She writes: This is a shot from Runes of Magic. I'd shared my house number on my blog and in game chat for people to visit my crafting workshop which you also featured on Massively. A couple of days later I went inside to put away some items and found a player naked and chillin' in the living room. We had a good laugh about it and he hung around for a while to chat. I left while he decided to say and "house-sit". Several other players visited while I was out and he acted as the naked host. The experience was very funny.

If you're playing Runes of Magic and would like to show off your own personal space or adventures, we'd love to see some screens! Just email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and your story. We'll post it here and give you the credit for sending it in.