
Wiikly Wares: Super Punch-Out!!, Bonsai Barber

With the launch of the Nintendo DSi and its DSi Shop downloads coming next week, you might be seeing some changes to your usual Wiikly Wares posts. For now, let's just enjoy what little time we have left and think about the good times we've had.

Virtual Console
Super Punch-Out!! (SNES, 1 player, 800 Wii Points): Little Mac is back in this SNES sequel to one of the most beloved NES titles of all time. As Little Mac, you'll need to bob, weave, and pummel your way through old foes and new opponents alike. Just watch out for Hoy Quarlow. Apparently, he's allowed to box with a big wooden stick.

Bonsai Barber (Nintendo, 1 -4 players, 1,000 Wii Points): Nintendo's WiiWare game combines the intensity of landscaping with the personal responsibility of barbering, as you tend to the 12 demanding customers of your local town. Each day, 5 of these customers will arrive looking for that perfect style. Good luck with satisfying a strawberry boffin, a daredevil carrot, a cactus cowboy, and a suave banana with top-secret clearance (we think he's an undercover plantain).