
April Fools' 09: City of Heroes goes old school

Have you ever felt that the character customization options in City of Heroes are just too much? Sometimes they can just be too overwhelming, right? I mean, who wants to sit there and make a character that looks different from everyone else? Seriously, that's such a burden. So NCsoft has solved this problem with their newly announced City of Heroes: Golden Age. We think the premise behind CoH:GA is summed-up best by Lead Artist Ken Morse, "I think City of Heroes: Golden Age brings with it a level of detail that simply can not be accomplished with even the latest advancements in graphics technology."

Of course this is just an April Fools' prank, but it's one of the best! The tricksters at NCsoft NorCal have done a fine job tickling our nostalgia bone while bringing a smile to our faces. Check out the complete "news announcement" on their main site, and be sure to read through the text-based interface screenshots to bring back some memories. Give yourself ten points if you laughed at the Hayes-compatible modem reference, too.