
Breakfast Topic: Where will you be when Patch 3.1 arrives?

It's not coming today, we know that. Rolling restarts across all realms is a good indication that Patch 3.1 won't be coming just yet. On the other hand, we know they're getting pretty close to sending it our way, and Adam asked a pretty good question yesterday about whether or not your guild is prepared for Ulduar (mine is, thank goodness). On a personal note, what is the first thing you plan on doing when the patch arrives?

There are a few goodies coming our way such as Dual Specs and even a free respec. Of course, there's Ulduar and I know there are a ton of guilds itching to hit it once the realms are up. I'm pretty excited about Wintergrasp so I'm sure to play that as soon as a battle's up. Speaking of battles, I'm thrilled that I can queue up for any Battleground from anywhere in the world, so I can actually set my hearthstone back to Dalaran instead of Silvermoon City where all the Battlemasters are huddled together. What's your agenda? Which character are you logging in the moment Patch 3.1 hits? What are you planning to do? It doesn't hurt to plan ahead, after all.