
'Turbo' trailer looks better than most 'real' video game movies

It probably isn't destined to become the Citizen Kane of video game movies, but the trailer for Turbo has more going for it than most "real" video game movies we've seen -- yes, Legend of Chun Li, we're talking to you. Turbo is actually a 20-minute short film cooked up by some USC graduate students for less than $100,000.

There are some interesting ideas going on in the clips shown from the trailer, and it appears the teen melodrama is actually supposed to evoke similarly themed movies like The Karate Kid. We contacted the creators of Turbo, who informed us a public viewing will occur May 2 at 3PM in USC's Norris Theater. The event will be "first come, first seated" and is free. Three shorts will be shown, Turbo will be the last. Copies of the film may also be on sale there for $10 or less. Check out the trailer after the break.

[Via Destructoid]