
Sling's $50 rebate on iPhone-compatible boxes rendered useless by stupid pricing

Think Sling Media is partially making up for its ridiculous arbitrary lockout of iPhones on older Slingboxes by offering a $50 credit toward the purchase of a new model? Think again: turns out that the credit is applied against prices in Sling's own online store, which are already jacked beyond reason. Actually, they aren't, they're just MSRP -- but let's be honest, no one pays MSRP for anything anymore, and you can actually get the PRO-HD for less from Amazon than from Sling's store after the frickin' credit (and the SOLO isn't faring much better after fast shipping, especially if you've got a Prime membership). It's a pretty backhanded way to say "thanks" to your early adopters -- and it's just a shame that the iPhone version of the SlingPlayer will likely be a strong enough draw to let the company get away with murder.

Read - Slingbox SOLO on Amazon
Read - Slingbox PRO-HD on Amazon