
Joystiq vs. Bungie event starts tonight, watch it LIVE! [update]

Update: Now that the challenge has concluded, be sure to check out the official recap of the battle including all of Bungie's shenanigans.

Earlier this week, Bungie challenged Joystiq to a Halo 3 competition to help get the word out about the just releasedMythic Map Pack and to prove that developers are more skilled gamers than journalists. Over the course of a few days, we sought the help of the Joystiq community by having an open enrollment as we looked for nine individuals to represent Team Joystiq in battle. Well, we found our nine Joystiq representatives (along with one editor) and will be taking on Bungie Studios in a few hours in an event we're calling "Joystiq vs. Bungie: A Mythic Halo 3 Challenge".

Tonight, Joystiq's hand-selected team will enter the Halo 3 arena and do battle with Bungie. While they've been spending their time talking trash on their forums and even finding it necessary to mock Team Joystiq, know that we don't play those adolescent games. Instead, our team has put all its time and energy into honing its Halo 3 skills and is determined to earn Recon armor for all participants involved. Failure is unacceptable. Each game Joystiq loses, its editors will be required to wear Bungie supplied apparel at E3 for one day and the humiliation that's sure to come.

If you're interested in viewing the matches as they're played, we'll be streaming the whole event LIVE! Starting tonight at 9:00 pm EST (6:00 pm PST), you'll find a Ustream embed of the match after the break. Even though there is no audio and the video quality isn't exceptional, it gives those who are interested in the competition a place to hang out with other like-minded gamers and a chance to watch history unfold. Be sure to bookmark this post and be here for all the carnage. For those who'll miss the stream, we'll be posting a recap of the Joystiq vs. Bungie shenanigans sometime late Friday.

Best of luck to all parties involved ... GO TEAM JOYSTIQ!