
Sony Ericsson's C905 Plus is basically a C905

Your first thought when you hear "C905 Plus" might be, "oh, dear, the plain ol' C905 hasn't even been released on Rogers or AT&T yet." Well, we wouldn't worry about that too much, because it turns out that the Plus isn't much of a retooling -- in fact, it's not a retooling at all. Instead, Sony Ericsson has simply dropped its latest and greatest firmware on the thing to include new features like Smile Shutter, bundled an 8GB Memory Stick Micro card, and moved on with life. In fact, the C905 Plus is being billed as a limited offering in the UK at this point, so we wouldn't be surprised to see this fade into oblivion in the next few months -- at which point we can all get back to our regularly-scheduled 8.1 megapixel envy.

[Via Phone Arena]