
The many sides of crowd control

We found an interesting post about the many intricacies of crowd control over on the Epic Slant blog. Crowd control (CC) is a tricky feature to design and balance in MMOs because too little takes a lot of strategy out of the experience and too much is simply overpowered.

Ferrel wonders what ever happened to the pure CC classes like Everquest's enchanter? He brings up that CC in current MMOs is usually distributed evenly over a number of careers. Is this because modern MMOs cater to the solo experience rather than forcing group dependency and necessity?

When Mythic was designing Warhammer Online, Mark Jacobs stated that he hated the CC that was present in Dark Age of Camelot and that he would do it all over again if he could. Fans were on board with this concept because RvR wins usually came down to who could insta-CC the other group first in DAOC. Illustrating the difficulty that comes with balancing CC in a PvP game, one of the biggest complaints about WAR is that there is still too much of it (see point 10), even with immunity timers to mitigate the effects.