
UPDATED: European maintenance extended till 3pm CET

Let's get real here for a second. When I signed off at midnight, the US realms were only just started to pop back up. Did you honestly think we here in Europe were going to get away scott free?

You did? Oh dear, let's not go there, eh?

Folks have been reporting extended maintenance and so we're now looking at 3pm CET. All we need to do now is cross our digits that Blizzard managed to fix whatever was ailing the US realms before starting to roll out 3.1 on our severs.

Needless to say. I'll be keeping you guys in the loop should things change.

So in the meantime, as your waiting, why not enter our EU loot card competition? Your could also check out our 3.1 FAQ and start planning your new primary and secondary specs using Wowhead's new calculator.
Not finished patching yet and having issues? Try this post.

Hopefully we should have a smoother ride of it but I'll be keeping you updated nevertheless.

UPDATE: As of 3pm CET, the realms are slowly starting to come back up. Some of the most popular ones - Vek'nilash amongst them - keep going offline, probably due to being hammered by players trying to login. Hang on in there.

UPDATE: Most of the realms are now back!