
Learn Daylite from a MacAngel

If you were intrigued by last week's review of Marketcircle Daylite 3.9, Daylite Server, and Daylite Touch enough to purchase the application suite or download the trial, you might be at the point now where you're feeling a bit overwhelmed with how to install, configure and use the applications. Don't worry, there's a MacAngel available to help you!

Marni Melrose is a La Jolla, California-based Mac consultant who has made Daylite her life's work. She not only knows the application and its technical requirements in detail, but she's also an expert on using Daylite to get things done.

Under the name The MacAngel, Marni has developed a number of training videos about Daylite over the years. She's recently completed an amazing 93 minute tutorial that goes through the process of setting up Daylite 3.9, Daylite Server, and Daylite Touch, and then continues on to teach you the MacAngel Method.

The MacAngel Method is Marni's creation, taking David Allen's GTD principles, stirring in the ideas of Stephen Covey and other authors, and then using her experiences implementing Daylite for businesses for over 7 years to show how Daylite can help you drive your business forward.

I'm a Daylite Certified Partner, but after watching The MacAngel Method GTD for Daylite 3.9 & Touch, I felt that I really knew a lot more about how to organize my work and personal life with Daylite than I did from struggling through teaching myself by trial and error. In her video, Marni does a phenomenal job of showing you exactly what to do and, more importantly, why you're doing it.

You can view a 29 minute "trailer" to see how the training works, and then purchase the full video for $45 if you find it as useful as I did.