
Gaijin Games offers help with Bit.Trip: Beat's hardcore save system

We thought Bit.Trip: Beat's saving system, which only saves your progress if you achieve a high score, was just part of the punishing design of Gaijin Games' WiiWare title. However, Gaijin revealed on its blog that it's actually a bug!

"The fact is, we discovered this bug after the US version of the game was in the queue for release," BTB designer Alex Neuse said. "This meant that those of us in the US were stuck with this issue. The Japanese and European versions that came after the US one do not share the same problem."

Even more surprising is the method Neuse has employed to rectify the bug -- he's offering his own save file, with all three levels unlocked, for download. You can just copy it over the save file on your Wii and actually see the second and third level for once! Neuse promises that "If you beat a level in CORE, the next level stays unlocked."