
Bionic Commando demo glitch allows friends, extends time limit

If you've put much time into the Bionic Commando multiplayer demo on Xbox Live, you'll be aware of two painful facts. 1) You can't invite friends and 2) five minutes isn't nearly enough time to, ahem, get into the swing of things. If you would like to get rid of both of these annoyances in one swoop, Capcom Unity forum member Toshin has got you covered. The process is pretty simple:

  • Open up the demo and press start, which will open the main menu (with the Xbox Live, Options and Quit Demo selections). Don't leave this screen.

  • Have a friend send you a game invite for any game.

  • Accept the invite, then choose no when it asks if you want to quit your current game session.

  • You will be booted to the demo lobby, only now you can invite friends to the game and the time limit has been removed. Be sure you don't edit either the frag limit or the game mode, as doing so will crash the demo.

We tried it, and it definitely works. Watch the process in the video above.