
Get acquainted with Fallen Earth

Jessica Orr -- product manager on Fallen Earth -- was recently interviewed by Tracey John over at MTV Multiplayer. Brand new game information wasn't the focus, and instead the interview covers everything a new person should know about the upcoming post-apocalyptic third/first person MMORPG. Still it's a good interview for anyone interested in the game.

One other thing the interview addresses is the increasing count of shooter MMOs and Jessica's thoughts on competing in a market where this genre is quickly becoming popular. Her answer is exactly our opinion on the game thus far, that it fills a specific niche currently not found elsewhere: post-apocalyptic, classless, FPS/RPG hybrid. We'd also mention its open sandbox design and non-futuristic focus, as in you won't find laser beams and plasma rifles at higher levels.

What's even better is that, as she says, the Fallen Earth team looks to be doing everything they can to make the most of their position.