
One Shots: The icy north

With the days heating up, spending nights in beautiful, frozen areas of Lord of the Rings Online is definitely an enjoyable way to cool off. Today's One Shots comes in to us from Tawyn of the guild Executioners of the Wicked on the Windfola server. Tawyn captured this incredibly lovely image for us and writes in to explain it: [this] is the Ice Bay of Forochel. Arvedui's ruined ship sits in the Ice Bay against a backlight of brilliant northern lights. Easily the most beautiful zone in the game. We'd be hard-pressed to pick a favorite area in Lord of the Rings Online, honestly - they're all so very lovely!
Have you found a location that really speaks to you? If so, why not email us a screenshot of it and tell us a bit about why it's important to you? Even if you'd rather not extol its virtues, we'd still love your images. Just email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the game/location the image is from, and a brief decsription. We'll post it out here and give you the credit.