
One Shots: "Almost" only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades

There's something to be said for tackling a raid encounter, playing hard, and defeating the boss in your favorite MMO. (Assuming, of course, if has endgame raiding.) There's also something extra-special about getting the boss down the first time. However, the mark of truly enjoying a game is whether or not you can laugh off all the wipes getting to that point or not. Today's World of Warcraft One Shots comes from Nakirush, who appears to have the right, rather silly, attitude about death. Nakirush writes in to explain this shot: Our brave tank charges Sapphiron as we come to the end of Naxxramas. Blades slice the air and magic pours out wildly. The battle was nearly won, we were nearly victorious. Then we died.

We love to see screens from MMOs both big and small, but we need you to send them in! It's really easy to do - just drop an email to oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name and a quick description. We'll post it out here for everyone to check out, and give you the credit.