
LG enV3 gets customer hands-on ahead of release

You might think you need to wait until May 29 to get your hands on an env3, and... well, odds are good that you're right -- but if you keep calling Verizon enough, magic can happen. One persistent customer finally got through to a sales rep uninformed enough to sell her the device well ahead of launch -- which leads us to wonder why the carrier's computers even allow that kind of crazy gaffe to occur in the first place -- but at any rate, we've been treated to a quick hands-on as a result of the error. The lucky customer seems to like the device, ultimately choosing to keep it over an Alias 2 she'd recently obtained; we're not sure we'd make the same call ourselves, but then again, we're suckers for E-Ink and we haven't used an env3. Follow the break for the video, or get on the horn with Verizon if you want one of these now -- who knows, you might get lucky.

[Thanks, Ben H.]