
BrandIndex: Microsoft's ads effective

BrandIndex is reporting this week that Microsoft's "Laptop Hunter" and similar ads are changing consumer's perceived value of Windows machines. YouGov conducted a survey of 5,000 consumers to measure the "value score" of both Macs and Windows machines. The value score represents a customer's perception of "bang for the buck." We don't know exactly how that's measured by the survey.

What they found was a steady increase in Microsoft's score since the price-conscious ads began. Simultaneously, Apple's score has fallen.

You can argue the validity of the commercials' claims, but what's undeniable is that people shop on price. When John Q. Public decides to buy a computer, 9 times out of 10 his initial thought is, "What's this going to cost me?" Most shoppers aren't like you and me, concerned with statistics and performance. They want cheap. As someone who has bought hundreds of computers for two schools over 8 years, I know what I'm talking about.

While the ads may infuriate Mac nerds like us, they might persuade everyone else.

[Via Electronista]