
LucasFilm trademarks 'Lucidity' game software

LucasFilm, parent company of LucasArts, is working on a new video game, so says a filing at the government-owned TARR (Trademark and Registration Retrieval) website. The title is called Lucidity and it's classified as "video game software with manuals sold as a unit," which sounds like your average retail, disc-based game. Digital distribution or DLC seems to be a possibility, as it's also classified as a "downloadable" title. That's about all the concrete information we've obtained from this filing thus far.

If there's anything else that would reveal more about the game, its title would be a good start. Let's see, what does "lucidity" mean? According to Merriam-Webster, it is "a presumed capacity to perceive the truth directly and instantaneously." Ah, we see. That tells us ... absolutely nothing. Quite ironic, too. What do you think is being worked on here?

[Via Superannutation]