
NintendoWare Weekly: Adventure Island: The Beginning, Bubble Bobble Plus!, another clock

Another strange week for DSiWare arrives, as Photo Clock appears on the store, doing little more than charging two dollars for limited functionality additions to the DSi. If you were looking for a good alarm for the DSi, this could be your week! Thankfully, American Popstar: Road to Celebrity is picking up the slack and ... wait, American Popstar? What?! Forget it, DSi! We're sticking with the Wii and snagging the remake of an 8-bit classic in Adventure Island: The Beginning instead. As always, jump past the break for all the messy details.


  • American Popstar: Road to Celebrity (Gameloft, 1-4 players, 800 Nintendo DSi Points): Combining our love for music rhythm games with our love for gaining pop stardom, American Popstar: Road to Celebrity seeks to fulfill every 12-year-old girl's deepest desire. And no, we're not 12-year-old girls.


  • Photo Clock (Nintendo, 1 player, 200 Nintendo DSi Points): What can we say? It's a clock that allows you to add photos you've taken with the DSi to the handheld's background. In so many words, it's 200 DSi Points for functionality that probably should've existed on the DSi to begin with.


  • Bubble Bobble Plus! (Taito, 1-4 players, 600 WiiWare Points): Taking the arcade classic and adding 100 levels to it, Bubble Bobble Plus! seems like a pretty fantastic deal. Add to that a couple of DLC packs in the pipeline and online playability and you've got a hefty load of content for six bucks.


  • Adventure Island: The Beginning (Hudson Entertainment, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points): An adventure platform game made with collectibles in mind, Adventure Island features lite RPG elements wrapped around a tropical veneer. There's even DLC coming for it!

Virtual Console

  • Clay Fighter (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points): We didn't know any better when this game was released and our sugar-addled adolescent minds allowed for hours of clay fightin' goodness. While we're not sure if the game will hold up to our now caffeine-addled minds, at least it's available.
