
Acoustic superlens could mask ships from sonar... in theory, anyway

Man, the mad scientists are really on a roll of late. First we hear that Li-ion cells are set to magically double in capacity, and now we're learning that a new form of invisibility cloak is totally gearing up for its Target debut. As the seemingly endless quest to bend light in such a way as to create a sheath of invisibility continues, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Nicholas Fang has reportedly developed a metamaterial that acts as a type of acoustic superlens. In theory, at least, this approach would rely on phreaking with sound rather than light in order to intensely focus ultrasound waves; by doing so, one could hypothetically "hide ships from sonar." To be fair, this all sounds entirely more believable than hiding massive vessels from human sight, but we're still not taking our skeptic hat off until we see (er, don't see?) a little proof.

[Via Slashdot]