
Big lens on Nikon's Coolpix P90 superzoomer doesn't compensate for poor IQ

Nikon announced its plus-sized P90 at the same time as its lilliputian compact the S2220, which impressed us with its great form-factor and low price, but disappointed when it came to the all-important image quality. Its big brother, the 12.1 megapixel, 24x superzoom P90 is now getting put through its paces, and rather unfortunately doesn't seem to perform particularly well either -- at least not when compared to the competition like Olympus SP-590UZ. PhotographyBlog found that PQ was disappointingly low, as photos taken at ISO400 or above were "almost a complete write-off." The cam scores high marks for ease of use and design, but, since the others in this segment aren't exactly torture to hold or use, that's hardly high praise.