
Guildwatch: We're not even in his guild

Ulduar is getting toppled, guild by guild. We've heard about quite a few Yoggy downings already, and everybody else seems to be working their way around six or seven out of fourteen. There are still definitely a few guilds still working on Naxx and Malygos (nothing wrong with that -- my guild has Malygos on notice), but we'd say the majority of folks are finding Titan treasures in Ulduar. Which is probably just the way Blizzard wants it.

Lots more downed news, not to mention both drama (a Downfall parody!) and recruiting notices from around the realms in this week's Guildwatch. Click the link below to read on.


  • The Order of the Uprising on Zul'jin-A had some people leave with an unhappy officer, after he had a "scuffle" with one of the guild's founders. But that wasn't the worst part -- after that drama finally cooled off, another guildie named Plox apparently up and grabbed the guild's bank and /gquit. When they asked him why, he said the guild seemed doomed to failure anyways, with everyone leaving and all. Which may be true (our tipster assures us that the former bit of drama was completely over, though who knows about that stuff), but does that mean you're justified in just taking what there is and running? We think not.

  • Not Quite Immortal on Silver Hand is done -- here's the breakup thread. I like how the OP says there's no real drama, and then goes on and makes some of his own. But a few folks from Commotion show up later and claim there isn't any drama anyway. C'mon guys! The guild's gone -- now's the time to start up a fight!

  • I can't believe we've never ever had a Downfall parody here in Guildwatch, but let's fix that right now. We talked about the progression thread drama on Nagrand last week in the column, and apparently it has spawned this parody video, which uses that German film about Hitler's last days to make jokes about drama. Good times, definitely worth a watch. "I won't give up -- even if there are two threads!" "He can't make us troll, we're not even in his guild." Very funny.

  • Let us begin the long and strange story of Aluro on Galakrond. First, he posted as a Priest looking for guild, with some special extra trashing for Preeminent, the guild he transferred over to the server for ("After raiding with them 3 times I realized they are pretty awful."). But for some reason, no one wants to pick up someone who trashes a former guild like that, so he decides to form his own, Enterprise. That, however, doesn't take off so well either (and in fact, he even tries to throw a little bit of poaching in the mix). So eventually he's back trying to PuG Ulduar again, and at this point, he's fairly well known around the forum threads as a guy who just can't get a group. Still, he does make it into a group with Insidion, and actually gets a chance to raid with them. And this is where it gets good: he then goes back to the forums, and trashes the raidleader, Drathon, just talking crap about him left and right. Seriously, dude? You struggle for weeks to get into a raid, and then when you finally make it into one, you jump on the forums to tell everyone how bad you thought it was? Why should anyone invite you back?

  • This is probably the worst story of raid ID ninja-ing we've heard yet. Herding Cats of EU Venture Co. got a Naxx-10 run together, and PuGged four folks from On Se Kova on the same server. After some issues with the PuGs, they decided to kick them out of the raid, and On Se Kova freaked out -- they trained mobs to the raid, started griefing the raid, and trying to force people out of the instance. Even when the group filled their spots and they couldn't get in the instance, they stood outside and kept trying to get in and grief for over seven hours. Finally, the raid ended up at around 3 a.m. (after starting at 5 the previous evening), and Herding Cats went to bed. Only to discover the next morning that -- you guessed it -- On Se Kova had woken up early, ninja'ed the raid ID, and finished off Sapphiron and Kel'thuzad. 12 full hours of griefing, all for two bosses in Naxx 10. Good show.

  • Ninja alert: Ninjakiwi on Ravenholdt, who took a mount and a guild bank from his previous server. Bonus: he actually shows up in the thread!

  • This is a pretty standard ninja/drama thread from Demise on Dath'remar (with some interesting interplay between a higher progression guild on the server and a few quibbling guilds), but really it's only here because I really like the direction it takes on page 3. More drama threads should probably be turned into groovy riddle threads.

  • Finally, we reported a little while ago that Silent Redemption on Feathermoon had broken up, and it bummed us out a whole lot -- they've been a standby in the Downed section of this column for a long time. But apparently we mourned them too soon -- we're now told that that tip was sent in by a disgruntled ex-member, and the guild is alive and well. "We wish Fallakin the best and hope he gets over being kicked from the guild." Good deal. They're rocking Ulduar, too, clearing up to Hodir with not one but two teams, and heading into Ulduar 25 very soon, if not already. Glad to hear it!


  • Adapt and Overcome on Feathermoon says they're a great Cinderella story -- they've been raiding since BC, and say they've been the top Horde guild on the server for a while. Just recently, they finished off Yogg Saron Heroic for the server first kill, making it, they say, the first time a Horde guild has beaten Alliance to a kill on Feathermoon since Vanilla WoW. Nice job!

  • Sensibility on EU Deathwing has downed Auriaya on Heroic after a record of wipes after they couldn't quite figure out the pull. Once they got it, though, after probably too many tries, they finished her off.

  • Vox Vocis on Darkspear-H has been in Guildwatch before for some drama, but nowadays they're reformed and drama free. In fact, they've finished off Mimiron in their Ulduar 10 group -- grats! Vezax is on notice for you all.

  • Euphoric on Shadowmoon downed Flame Leviathan, Razorscale, Deconstructor XT-002, and Ignis in 10-man Ulduar, all on their first week. And Ignis, we're told, went down to the epic sound of Meat Loaf's "Bat out of Hell" on the Vent jukebox.

  • Spectacular Death (Llane-A) is a retro raiding guild that finally cleared out the Arachnid wing of Naxx. After that, though, they did go back to Archimonde in Hyjal, and then organized a For the Alliance! run and picked up some Black War Bears for themselves.

  • The Guild After Dark on The Scryers gained a server first by downing Yogg-Saron 10-man last month. After two weeks of getting to him and attempting the fight, he was finally downed on the third week. Congrats!

  • Lexington of Kul'Tiras-A just celebrated their two-year anniversary. Grats! They're headed for Yogg, too, so we'll put him on notice for them.

  • Waiting On Reset (winner of this week's Best Guild Name award) of Lightbringer downed up to Freya and Hodir on 10-man Ulduar, and they plan on finishing off the other two keepers soon, if not already.

  • Digital Dementia of Bloodscalp finished off Malygos, completing their run of pre-Ulduar instances. They've done 6/14 in the Titan stronghold so far -- Hodir is on notice for next time. They're also recruiting all knowledgeable raiders to fill out the 25-man group.

  • Dark Glare, who we're told is server number one guild of EU The Sha'tar, have finally downed 25-man Yogg Saron, spending only sixteen raid hours on him total. Grats!

  • The Hooligans on Aggamagan-A dropped KT, one shotting everyone but Gluth in their first run with guildies only in Naxxramas. Malygos is up for next time. They're also recruiting for a second 10-man, as well as Healers of all classes, one tank, and some ranged DPS.

  • The Silver Serpent Order, a small guild comprised mostly of close family and friends, has finally downed Kel'Thuzad on normal mode. They had some help from Sixth Division, but got Kel down on their second ever attempt. Nice job!

  • Sustained on EU Frostmane has finally downed Yogg-Saron after two weeks of work. They say it wasn't a clean kill, but a kill nonetheless -- apparently "it's insane tanking that phase three. Very insane. Lots of panic."

  • (Nazgrel-A) is actually a raiding alliance that finally downed Kel'Thuzad the other week. They also finished all four Quarters of Naxx with just one wipe, which is pretty excellent for a non-guild.

  • Martyrs for Hire (Zangarmarsh-H) had a productive week, cleaning up Ignis and Razorscale to finish the Siege, and then promptly downing the three bosses in the Antechamber in Ulduar. Hodir is on notice. They're also currently looking for a dual-spec'd tank/DPS to jump right in to Ulduar progression, and would love to hear from anyone interested in raiding as they work up to 25-man groups.

  • Balance of Judgement on EU Darkmoon Faire-A finished off Kologarn in 10-man Ulduar for the first time. Iron Council is on notice next, and they may be joining up with IDENTITY to get 25-man instances rolling, starting with Naxx.

  • Almost Heroes on Aggramar finished off The Siege of Ulduar last week, as well as everybody in the Antechamber (10-man version).

  • The Ice Queens raid team of Stonewall Champions on Proudmoore has downed Yogg-Saron! Grats!

  • Illusion on Drenden has downed all four bosses in the first quarter of Ulduar 25. Way to go.


  • Eminent Requital on Azgalor-H is looking for players of all classes and specs (save Prot Warriors and Priests, they're full on those) to beef up the raiding numbers. If you can roll with them on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, they'll take you.

  • Exile (on Echo Isles) is a casual Alliance raiding guild that is looking to become a more serious raiding guild. They are small but are looking for some aggressive expansion, so if you're ready to raid late nights and are interested in partaking in the social gathering, visit the site and fill out an application.

  • The Obsidian Order on Nagrand is "looking for, well, pretty much any fun-loving, casual, friendly level 20+'s on the server." They have members all over the place, and are looking to build some more presence around the server during daytime for casual raids and such. EST folks are welcome, but there's probably someone there for you to play with no matter what your time zone.

  • The Unspoken {Zangarmarsh-A} is a casual raiding guild trying to fill spots for their 10-man raids. The raid team is in need of all roles (MT, OT, DPS, & Healers), but ready-to-raid Priest and Shaman healers and ranged DPS are preferred. They strive to make the game fun above all else, but progressing in raids is fun, too. Hit up the site for an app if interested.

  • Tact (Sen'jin-A) is working on Yogg-Saron 25, and looking for some strong raiders to fill out the ranks. They're in need of a Balance Druid, Warlock, DPS/Tank DK, and a Holy/Disc Priest. Exceptional applicants, regardless of class, always encouraged to apply.

  • Ethos on Haomarush-H raids three nights a week late nights (until 2:30am), and they're currently working through 10-man Ulduar. They're seeking dedicated raiders ready to commit up to nine hours of raiding a week -- attendance is a must, as you can't progress if you don't show up. Apply on the site or look them up in-game.

  • Slightly Unstable on Shadowsong-A raids three times a week and are just getting into Ulduar, finishing off Flame Leviathan once a week. They're hoping to clear out Ulduar 10 before 3.3, so they're seeking a Hunter, and a Healer/DPS dual spec, both who can show up consistently. They'd also like an offtank, because their current OT would rather play a Lock, apparently. They're mature, casual, and go at their own pace, so if that's to your liking, seek them out.

  • Bucklers of Swash, Alliance on Mug'thol, is currently recruiting. You can read more about them on the website, but they are 6/14 into Ulduar 10, and looking for more to help them begin progression into the 25-man version. If you have a good attitude, they want you (they'll help you work on the rest).

  • Clarity on EU Darkspear-H is working through Ulduar Heroic, and seeking a few more active, polite, and highly skilled raiders for hard mode progression. They specifically want a Rogue class leader, Boomkins, Mages, Kitty Druids, and Healers of all classes.

  • Strife on Ner'zhul is an Oceanic guild that's looking to recruit a few more for Ulduar 25. They raid twice a week, and need a nice mix of DPS and Healing. They also have a guild podcast running on their site, if you're interested in tuning in.

  • Occult of Jaedenar is an Immortal raiding guild looking for some solid raiders to help fill in some holes. They've cleared everything on 10 man in Ulduar and have downed it all on 25 with the exception of Yogg. In particular, they're seeking Warlocks, DPS Warriors, Feral Druids, and any others with personality that can log on five nights a week and laugh through progression wipes.

That's it for GW this week. We're still in backlog mode, so if you haven't seen your tip yet, don't worry, it's coming as fast as we can get it posted. Until next week, happy raiding!

That not enough guild news for you? There's lots more Guildwatch in the archives, including an honest-to-goodness /gkick contract, and lots of red-handed bank looting. Wherever people /gquit or are /gkicked, that's where you'll find GW!