
Steamboats and body parts in new Point Lookout screens

(click to Megaton-size)

In an act that can only be defined as 'terror gifting,' Bethesda recently dropped a handful of new, extra creepy Fallout 3: Point Lookout screenshots for your approval. Between the trailer (after the break), the few screens we got before and the handful of screens below, the creators of the "Capital Wasteland" have remained fairly tight-lipped about even the existence of the DLC from the get go.

Of the little we know from Bethesda about the game -- the swamp setting and promise of new weapons/enemies -- it looks as though the company is set to take even more of our money in the coming months. And considering this is the same developer that once created horse armor, we're going to say things have come a pretty long way.

[Via Evil Avatar]